Back to School Tips for Kids With Asthma and Allergies

 Back to School Tips for Kids With Asthma and Allergies

During the summer, you may feel like you have better control over managing your child’s allergies and asthma. After all, you can control their exposure to triggers, whether that’s pets, certain foods, or the great outdoors.

Sending them to a school can be concerning because you lose that control. However, with these tips from Laurel Pediatric & Teen Medical Center in Bel Air, Maryland, you can be confident in sending your child with allergies or asthma to school so they can learn without struggling with symptoms or flare-ups.

Put a plan in place

Don’t wait for your child to have an issue and then react. Effective management of allergies and asthma requires planning. Ensure your child consistently takes their prescribed medications by establishing and maintaining a routine year-round. 

Visiting their school and classrooms before school starts allows you to identify potential triggers that could worsen their symptoms, including mold, chalk dust, or strong odors.

Provide the school staff, including teachers and the school nurse, with a detailed list of your child’s symptoms, triggers, medications, and dosages. Make sure they know what to do in an emergency and that they have your contact information on hand.

Identify your child’s allergy and asthma triggers

Good management of allergies and asthma requires knowing your child’s triggers. At Laurel Pediatric & Teen Medical Center, we offer comprehensive allergy testing through skin and blood tests. We identify sensitivities to various allergens, such as:

Once we determine what triggers your child’s symptoms, we develop a customized strategy to prevent symptoms and flare-ups. Educate your child about their condition so they can actively participate in managing it.

Prepare for physical activity

You might be tempted to limit your child’s physical activity. However, with proper precautions, children can safely participate in exercise and sports.

Before your child engages in physical activity, make sure their teachers and coaches know about their condition and how to handle an asthma-related event. Teach your child to recognize and manage their symptoms, avoid triggers, and seek help if needed.

Your child may benefit from using short-acting inhalers before exercise. Remind them to stay hydrated and avoid exercises that trigger their symptoms. 

If your child continues to experience asthma symptoms despite following their treatment plan, reach out to us. We can adjust their preventive plan to better manage their symptoms.

Taking these proactive steps can help ensure your child stays healthy and active throughout the school year. Reach out to Laurel Pediatric & Teen Medical Center for more information about managing allergies and asthma. We are here to support all aspects of your child’s health.

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