Why the Flu Shot Is Reformulated Every Year

Why the Flu Shot Is Reformulated Every Year

Shots are never fun. But they can provide lifesaving benefits, such as avoiding serious illnesses like the flu.

The flu isn’t life-threatening for everyone, but it’s still a nasty bug that can knock your child off their feet for at least a week. On top of that, it’s highly contagious. That means a single cough or sneeze can easily take down their family, friends, and classmates. 

Fortunately, you can help keep this illness from making your child feel miserable and infecting others. You just need to schedule their flu shot.

At Laurel Pediatric & Teen Medical Center in Bel Air, Maryland, Dr. Ugonma Okparaocha and her team know what children need to keep flu-free this season. 

In this blog, she explains why understanding the latest bug matters. 

Why flu shots change each year

The flu virus isn’t a single virus. Instead, it’s ever-changing. That means there isn’t a one-size-fits-all vaccine.

Every year, a new flu strain wreaks havoc on the population. Even if your child is strong and healthy, the flu can do a number on them, leaving them tired and run-down. 

That’s why your child needs a flu shot every year. And that shot must be formulated for the season’s most prominent virus. 

More than 100 countries and their best researchers use their expertise to formulate the right flu shot — and they do it every year. Worldwide, scientists test the various strains of the flu virus to determine which are most likely to attack and where. 

In the United States, the Food and Drug Administration chooses the best vaccine to fight the virus, prevent illness, and reduce the spread of the disease. Once your child has gotten the shot, their body recognizes the virus and knows how to respond before it can make them sick.

What to do when your child has the flu

Unfortunately, despite the best efforts of science and technology, the flu can still prove resistant to vaccines. If your child is suffering from flu symptoms, our team at Laurel Pediatric & Teen Medical Center can help during a sick visit

There’s no instant remedy or cure for the flu, but some medications can help fight the virus and ease their symptoms. Don’t hesitate to call our office so we can help your child feel better as soon as possible. 

Additional steps to take when your child has the flu include: 

Whether preventing the flu or treating it, we’ve got your kids covered. Call today or request an appointment online at Laurel Pediatric & Teen Medical Center. 

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