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Potty training is a huge milestone for kids and parents — it’s also one of the most stressful. Instead of Kodak moments, you’re on hands and knees, wiping up yet another accident. The good news? You don’t have to venture into the potty training battleground on your own. Dr. Ugonma...
A child’s first taste of ice cream, cookies, and soda officially establishes their desire for sweet treats. Even if you successfully limit your child to one “sugar of the day,” chances are they look forward to that special treat and enjoy every bite — and probably ask for more, often. ...
Strep throat is a common childhood illness, and it’s also extremely contagious, easily spreading to all members of your family. Strep throat is responsible for up to 35% of sore throats in children and up to 15% of sore throats in adults. Infants and kids in daycare or school are...
From rashes to diarrhea, there’s lots to prepare for, and learn about, when caring for newborns and toddlers. Take for instance cradle cap — a common skin issue many newborns develop. It’s a type of seborrheic dermatitis thought to be triggered by overactive oil glands that causes thick yellowish or...
Childhood obesity has skyrocketed over the past few decades. The recent pandemic only exacerbated the trend, as increased stress, reduced activity, and convenience-food culture set the stage for worsening health habits among people of all ages. Unfortunately, kids and teens with obesity have a much higher risk of developing serious...
When your kids were little, it was easy to swoop in and rescue them when they were hurt or upset. Most of the time, loving parental reassurance was all it took to calm their fears and soothe their anxieties. Fast-forward to adolescence, and your child’s worries and emotions suddenly seem...
Shots are never fun. But they can provide lifesaving benefits, such as avoiding serious illnesses like the flu. The flu isn’t life-threatening for everyone, but it’s still a nasty bug that can knock your child off their feet for at least a week. On top of that, it’s highly contagious....
During the summer, you may feel like you have better control over managing your child’s allergies and asthma. After all, you can control their exposure to triggers, whether that’s pets, certain foods, or the great outdoors. Sending them to a school can be concerning because you lose that control. However,...
Does your toddler turn up their nose at anything that isn’t macaroni and cheese? Do they refuse to eat vegetables — or worse, throw them onto the floor? You’re not alone. Picky eating is a common phase for toddlers. And while it can be frustrating, it’s usually a normal part...
There’s nothing as exciting for parents — or potentially as stressful — as bringing their newborn home. To help you prepare for the big day, board-certified pediatrician Dr. Ugonma Okparaocha of Laurel Pediatric & Teen Medical Center in Bel Air, Maryland, offers her best pro tips. Here’s what she tells...
As soon as your child is mobile, they will get into trouble. Board Certified Pediatrician Dr. Ugonma Okparaocha of Laurel Pediatric & Medical Center in Bel Air, Maryland, is available to help when your child has an urgent but not life-threatening injury. You don’t need medical help for every bump,...
Migraines are no fun at any age. But imagine getting bad headaches that totally wipe you out, and nobody can explain what they are or how to treat them. That’s what happens to many children and teens who have migraines. About 10% of children and teens around the world have...
As a new parent, you want to ensure that your baby is getting enough nourishment to support their growth and development. Even though your newborn can’t tell you in words that they’re hungry, if you pay attention, you’ll know when they’re well-fed and content. At Laurel Pediatric & Teen Medical...
As a parent, you worry when your child is sick. You hate to see your loved one with a fever, cough, and other symptoms. Your first thought may be that it’s Covid. However, winter might as well be named “virus season.” Other viruses, like respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) and influenza...
Food intolerances are common, with 15%-20% of people in the United States having at least one. With kids, food intolerances are diagnosed when something they eat irritates their digestive tract or they lack the enzymes needed to digest a certain food. Don’t confuse food intolerances with food allergies, which involve...
When your child has asthma, you need to be ready at a moment’s notice if they have trouble breathing. Our team at Laurel Pediatric & Teen Medical Center, led by board-certified family physician Dr. Ugonma Okparaocha, is your partner in your child’s health through their teen years. Following are some...
Ear pulling, fluid drainage, and sleepless nights are typical signs of an ear infection. Nearly all children experience at least one ear infection before age three. The good news is they often resolve on their own. Here’s how board-certified pediatrician Ugonma (Ugo) Harriet Okparaocha, MD of Laurel Pediatric & Teen...
Sleep is essential in helping people of all ages stay healthy, and it’s essential for growing toddlers. Toddlers need about 10-14 hours of sleep daily to help them stay healthy and meet significant growth and development milestones. The problem: Plenty of toddlers don’t like bedtime. As leading providers of well...
You make your kids wear helmets when they ride their bikes or scooters. You feed them healthy and nutritious foods. You make them wear hats and gloves when they go outside in the winter. In other words, you do all you can to make your kids safe and healthy. Ensuring...
Summer gives children the time to unwind, have fun, stay up later than usual, and sleep until they wake (forget the alarm clock). While they need this time to rejuvenate, unstructured summer days can make it agonizing when the new school year rolls around, and they need to get up...
Few things are more heart-wrenching than seeing your child sick and suffering. And if you’ve ever witnessed them fainting, you know the panic and helplessness you feel, not knowing what caused it or what to do next. That’s why Dr. Ugonma Okparaocha and our Laurel Pediatric & Teen Medical Center team are discussing what you...
Are you worried that your child is addicted to screens? They may have a smartphone and a tablet; and if they’re in middle school or high school, they’ve got a laptop. A recent Pew Research Center study reported that 71% of parents of a child under the age of 12 say they...
As summer approaches, many kids look forward to attending sports camps and participating in team sports. But before your child hits the field, you want to ensure they're physically prepared. That's where a sports physical from the experts at Laurel Pediatric & Teen Medical Center in Bel Air, Maryland, comes...
Mononucleosis (mono) is commonly called the kissing disease because that’s the way it usually spreads. In fact, the virus that causes mono is so widespread that nearly everyone carries it in their body, but not everyone gets sick. Who’s most likely to come down with mono, how does the virus...
Food habits during childhood set the stage for future health. Getting your child to make good food choices, however, is easier said than done. When you’re battling against pervasive food advertisements and a packed schedule that leaves so little time to breathe, let alone cook, takeout just makes sense. But...
Sleepless nights and restless days are sometimes part of parenting, especially when caring for your child through a cold or the flu. However, there’s a lot you can do to ease their discomfort as the virus runs its course. The team at Laurel Pediatric & Teen Medical Center in Bel Air, Maryland, offers...
It can feel overwhelming trying to keep track of illnesses these days, and it can be even scarier when you’re a parent. One specific area of concern lies with RSV. Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) cases are surging, and they struck earlier than expected this season. As a result, hospitalization rates...
It’s a question we hear all the time these days at Laurel Pediatric & Teen Medical Center in Bel Air, Maryland. With the cloud of COVID-19 still hanging overhead, parents and caregivers want to know how they can keep their kids healthy — especially as cold and flu season kicks...
Constipation is a common problem in kids. As your children grow, their diet and toilet habits evolve and change. Changes in routine, diet, or medication may affect a child’s bowel movements, and constipation can happen. The good news is that having a constipated kid is typically nothing to worry about....
Does your child love sports? Keeping them safe is essential, but accidents can happen. Would your child recognize that he has a concussion if he were to sustain one? Would you? At Laurel Pediatric & Teen Medical Center in Bel Air, Maryland, our board-certified physician and expert medical staff examine...
If your child has an allergy of any kind, it can be difficult to help them avoid the allergen and learn to manage symptoms and reactions. You may be wondering about the future of your child’s allergy and whether or not they’ll always have it. Our dedicated team here at Laurel Pediatric &...
Going to kindergarten is a major milestone for growing kids — and for their families, too. For most parents, that magical age of five means their child is finally ready to enter school and begin a whole host of adventures and experiences. But just because a child is five years...
No matter how many children you already have, if you’re welcoming a new member to your family, there’s a good chance you’re concerned about sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS), a significant cause of death for babies under a year old. That’s a normal concern to have — but the good news...
Virtually every child reaching the age of three has had at least one ear infection. That amounts to over 80%, making otitis media (middle ear infection) a common childhood condition. Unlike a common cold, however, ear infections carry more risk of long-term complications. While ear infections often resolve on their own, it’s possible...
If your child loves sports, it’s not too soon to book an appointment for a sports physical to make sure they’re ready for summer and fall sports. Why do kids need physicals before the summer sports season? There are plenty of reasons. Some sports teams took a break during the...
Your toddler is going to preschool. That means close interaction with other young children who transfer germs constantly from putting their fingers in their mouth or nose and then on tabletops, doorknobs, and other surfaces your child touches. If your young child is enrolled in a preschool, they’ll be exposed...
The mention of shots is enough to send your child into a state of fear and panic, leaving you at a loss as to how to convince them that great health is on the other side of that needle. And now that we’ve added another immunization to the list with...
If your child or teen is using their daily control inhaler as prescribed, following up for routine asthma recheck visits, and utilizing their fast-acting “rescue” inhaler as directed, you’re halfway there in your battle against asthma. The health care team at Laurel Pediatric & Teen Medical Center offers outstanding pediatric...
Most adults don’t enjoy taking medicine, and we understand why we need it. Convincing children, especially toddlers, to take medicine can be an uphill climb. At Laurel Pediatric and Teen Medical Center, our outstanding providers have seen it all when it comes to parents convincing sick children to take medication....
Nothing’s more worrisome than a sick child, especially when you don’t know for sure what’s causing the problem. Stomach aches and kids go hand in hand, so if you have children, it’s good to get familiar with the many varied causes of tummy bugs so you know how to help...
It’s no secret that kids get sick a lot. In fact, they get about five to seven colds a year, while adults average about two to four. Part of the reason is that they spend most of their days around other kids, in daycare or school, on the playground, and...
The team of providers at Laurel Pediatric & Teen Medical Center wants to help parents in Bel Air, Maryland, understand how to handle the most common playground injuries. Keep reading to learn how to care for these accidents and when to seek medical attention. 1. Splinters First, try tweezers, a...
If your child gets a general physical for school, do they need another exam to participate in sports? Yes, they do, and here’s why. Sports physicals are designed to clear a child for specific basketball, football, or tennis activities. A general school physical is focused on the overall well-being, and...
There are two types of diabetes, and children are at risk for both. Type 2 diabetes is by far the most common form. In type 1 diabetes, the immune system mistakenly attacks insulin-secreting cells in the pancreas, resulting in a lack of insulin. Rates of both types of diabetes rose...
Ear infections are very common in young children. In fact, did you know that five out of six children will have had at least one ear infection by the time they reach the age of three? Recurring ear infections can be uncomfortable and frustrating for you and your child. For...
Maryland winters are harsh, but the warm months bring common warm weather ailments. With the dog days right around the corner, you might be worried about potential summertime pitfalls like bug bites and poison ivy. At Laurel Pediatric & Teen Medical Center in Bel Air, Maryland, Dr. Ugonma (Ugo) Harriet...
You remember how soft and smooth your child’s skin was when they were first born, but now it’s lost its silkiness and is covered in a red, flaky rash. What you wouldn’t give to see your child stop itching and feel the relief only soft, healthy skin can bring. At...
When your child’s asthma causes daily coughing, wheezing, and shortness of breath, you may be concerned about factors that trigger your child’s symptoms. Could it be your child’s diet? Foods and food additives aren't common asthma triggers, according to the Cleveland Clinic. However, there is a link between some food...
In the last century, science has learned more about the power of vaccines to increase immune protection. Vaccination has virtually wiped out many serious and life-threatening diseases, like polio. Vaccination is still an essential part of your child’s health care needs. The United States CDC recommends that children start receiving...
Chronic constipation is a common issue that frequently affects children of all ages. In general, children should have regular, daily, or almost-daily bowel movements. Children with chronic constipation have fewer bowel movements that are often hard, dry, lumpy, and difficult to pass. Picky eaters are more prone to chronic constipation...
The flu season is always a concern, and this year it poses an even greater danger. With a major focus on the COVID-19 pandemic, it’s important to remember that cold and flu season has officially begun too. Keeping your family healthy is more important than ever. Both influenza and COVID-19...
Asthma, a medical condition that can make breathing difficult for your child, is one of the most common chronic conditions children experience. Without treatment, asthma can cause life-threatening attacks, but with proper management, your child can breathe freely and experience a full, active childhood. At Laurel Pediatric & Teen Medical...
With cold and flu season joining the COVID-19 pandemic, many parents are looking for guidance on what to do about common cold symptoms such as fevers. It's easy to get anxious and confused over all the new information about COVID-19 and fevers. Fortunately, research shows that children don't catch COVID-19...
September may mark the arrival of a new school year and cooler weather, but it also means that the annual flu season is just around the corner. This year, with the COVID-19 pandemic still going strong, it’s more important than ever to make sure that every member of your family...
As teenagers begin to assert their independence, they look for decisions they can make for themselves. One of those decisions is when to go to sleep. With many distractions from homework to social media, your child might be tempted to stay up too late, resulting in grumpy mornings and daytime...
If your infant is constantly fussy and crying, then they might have colic. Colic is intense crying and fussing in an otherwise healthy baby. It’s frustrating to deal with colic, because it can have you up all night tending to an immensely uncomfortable baby. At Laurel Pediatric & Teen Medical...